Today was a fun, hard session. Here's the thing I've discovered, over the past one or so years of riding, I've actually just been coasting. Ha! I've never pushed myself--at all. I was just riding. It was fine and good and totally enjoyable. And don't get me wrong, I was working because our terrain here makes you work even if you don't want to (rolling hills). But now that I'm being told what to do, I realize that I've been coasting along.
Coasting for me has consisted of pedaling at an extremely low cadence. I never paid attention to the rotation of my pedals because I was, well coasting. I was just trying to make sure I didn't fall or hit someone also. I also realize that I mostly rode to get outside and enjoy time outside while getting in a little workout. All of these things are absolutely fine and good. What I have now realized is that I'm simply ready to take it to the next level of both fitness and purpose. But, during rest days or days that are recovery on the bike, I will enjoy coasting!! ;) I'll also make sure to enjoy my warm ups and cool downs in new and unique ways. So, here's to coasting during the proper times! Ha.
Performance Test
Today, I got a picture of where my cycling fitness level is. I actually don't know what it all means, even though he explained it to me. Haha! I just know that in a month or two we'll do it all again and by the grace of God, I'll have improved. I was thankful to be able to do what I did--pedaling hard for a period and pedaling steady for a longer period.* But I do look forward to gaining greater fitness. My coach has told me that I'm strong and now it's about building my muscles to endure fatigue (building strength endurance). I'm not at all surprised by this. I'm so grateful for him--he's incredibly patient with me as I ask a 1,000 questions. He's also super realistic. He wants to push me but not burn me out. It's been good for me!
Fear of Not Measuring Up
So, I wrote a book about fear and I have a chapter called Fear of Not Measuring Up. I realized today how much this fear follows me around even when I'm doing something enjoyable. I kept asking my coach, "Do you think you have something to work with?" "Am I doing okay?" I fear wasting his time. I realized how silly I was being by the time I left. He isn't judging me and he's definitely not measuring me against others!! He's quite focused on getting me to where I can go, not where the next person can go. He's been perfect! As an ex-fitness professional, you'd think I'd be able to preach this good standard to myself but I had forgotten. It was helpful to remember today.
So, here's to doing what I can with what I have. The Lord has made me and I'm encouraged to see what I can do as an endurance "athlete." ;)
*I won't be posting my specific workouts on here for a number of reasons but mostly because it wouldn't be appropriate since it's a private lesson and though no one might read this, I'd hate for my coach's work to be shared. I guess it's like plagiarism with a book or giving away someone's secret shrimp and grits recipe. ;) I'm sure you, whomever you are, understand!
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